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As your next Business Development Manager

Available Full Time 40hrs/w

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Carla D

Business Development Manager - Level 1



$2560 AUD/Month
(Full time)

$1600 AUD/Month
(Part time)

Career Summary

As a Business Development Representative and Appointment Setter, I bring a wealth of experience and a proven track record of success to any team. With my strong background in sales, marketing, and customer service, I have developed a keen ability to identify and pursue new business opportunities, build strong relationships with clients and prospects, and deliver exceptional results.

As a Business Development Representative, I understand the importance of developing effective strategies to generate leads and close deals. I have a talent for presenting complex products and services in a way that is easy to understand and am always looking for ways to exceed my sales targets.

In my role as an Appointment Setter, I am highly organized and efficient. I understand the importance of qualifying leads and ensuring that they are a good fit before scheduling appointments. My excellent communication skills and attention to detail make me an asset to any sales team.

Throughout my career, I have received numerous accolades for my outstanding performance and am always striving to improve my skills and exceed expectations. I am committed to excellence, and I understand the importance of delivering exceptional results in everything I do.

If you are looking for a driven and talented Business Development Representative or Appointment Setter, I would be honored to be considered for the role. With my strong work ethic, attention to detail, and commitment to delivering results, I am confident that I can make a positive contribution to your team.

Technical Skills

Sales techniques and methodologies
Lead generation and customer acquisition strategies
Customer relationship management (CRM) software and tools
Telemarketing and cold-calling best practices
Product and service knowledge for the relevant industry
Account management and retention strategies
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Conflict resolution and problem-solving abilities
Technical troubleshooting and issue resolution
Customer service and customer support techniques
Data analysis and reporting tools
Proficiency in Microsoft Office or Google Suite
Attention to detail and organizational skills
Project management and task prioritization abilities
Time management and multitasking skills


Work Experience

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Manager of Outbound Sales


As a sales manager, I understand that the key to a successful sales team is a strong foundation built on effective lead generation and management. Through my experience and expertise, I have developed a comprehensive approach to searching potential leads that includes outbound calls, effective pitching, and appointment scheduling.

In addition to my focus on lead generation, I am also committed to managing and training my team to ensure that they are effective and efficient in their sales efforts. This includes providing regular training sessions, conducting team meetings, and setting weekly goals to keep everyone on track.

To ensure that we are meeting our targets and making progress towards our goals, I track our progress through regular end-of-day reports. This helps me to identify areas where we can improve, adjust our approach, and stay focused on delivering exceptional results.

As part of my management approach, I am also committed to conducting regular general meetings to ensure that everyone is aligned with our goals and objectives. This includes reviewing progress, discussing challenges and opportunities, and providing feedback to help everyone improve and grow.

Overall, my approach to searching potential leads and managing a sales team is focused on building a strong foundation, fostering a positive and productive team culture, and delivering exceptional results. Through my commitment to excellence and dedication to success, I am able to drive results and help my team achieve their goals.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Owner Services Consultant



As a dedicated customer service representative, my primary focus is to provide exceptional support to owners of timeshare properties. This involves answering inbound calls from owners and helping them to manage their accounts, book properties, and use their credits effectively.

When answering inbound calls, I always ensure that I am friendly, professional, and empathetic to the needs of the caller. I understand that timeshare ownership can be complex and confusing, so my goal is to provide clear and concise information that helps owners feel empowered and in control.

One of the key ways I support owners is by checking the availability of properties. I take the time to understand their specific needs and preferences, and then use my knowledge of the available properties to identify the best options for them.

Once we have identified a suitable property, I help the owner to book the reservation at a convenient time and date. This includes providing detailed information about the property, its amenities, and any restrictions or requirements that may apply.

In addition to helping owners book reservations, I also help them to use their expiring credits to book properties. This often involves careful planning and coordination to ensure that the credits are used effectively and in a way that maximizes their value.

Finally, I am always available to help owners manage their accounts. This includes providing information about their ownership, answering questions about their account, and helping them to navigate any challenges or issues that may arise.

Overall, my approach to answering inbound calls is focused on delivering exceptional service and support to owners of timeshare properties. Through my expertise, empathy, and dedication, I am able to help owners feel confident and in control of their ownership experience.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Support Advisor


As a customer service representative, my primary goal is to deliver exceptional support to merchants who rely on our services for their business operations. This involves resolving complaints via phone, email, and chats, and providing expert guidance on a range of issues related to web development, domain management, and order processing.

One of the key areas where I provide support is in fixing domain issues. I understand that these issues can be complex and technical, so my goal is to provide clear and concise guidance that helps merchants resolve the issue quickly and effectively.

In addition to domain issues, I also provide support in web layout and design. This includes helping merchants to optimize their web presence, create a professional look and feel for their site, and implement best practices for user experience and engagement.

Another key area where I provide support is in handling billing, payouts, payments, and subscriptions. This involves working closely with merchants to ensure that their financial transactions are processed quickly, accurately, and securely.

I also provide support in order management, helping merchants to track and manage their orders, and ensuring that they are delivered on time and to the correct address. This includes working closely with logistics partners to ensure that shipments are managed effectively and that any issues or challenges are resolved quickly and efficiently.

Finally, I provide support for merchants looking to expand their sales channels, including social media platforms like Facebook, Oshop, Instagram, Google, and Tiktok. This includes providing guidance on how to optimize their presence on these platforms, creating effective marketing strategies, and implementing best practices for success.

Overall, my approach to resolving merchant complaints and providing support is focused on delivering exceptional service, expert guidance, and timely resolution of any issues or challenges that may arise. Through my expertise, dedication, and commitment to excellence, I am able to help merchants achieve their goals and grow their business.


  Manager of Outbound Sales

  Owner Services Consultant

Support Advisor

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